June 24, 2021 at 1:38pm Central—Today’s Full Moon at 3°27′ Capricorn is the accountability buddy we all need. By now, many of us are quite familiar with this area of our life given the changes and decisions we made when the South Node, Pluto and Saturn camped out here in 2019 and the first five months of 2020. This soil has been tilled, over and over again. Yet, with Pluto still working to detoxify and cleanse Cap’s final degrees, the Full Moon today serves as a bit of a check in. What have we accomplished? How are we doing on the goals we had set for ourselves back in January when this space of our lives was seeded with New Moon intentions? We’ll be revisiting these themes again the end of the year when Venus retrogrades in Capricorn.
Life in a pandemic brings twists to the plotline we could have never anticipated. As restrictions lift and life seemingly returns to a dubious-normal, the Full Moon in Capricorn reminds us of the things we told ourselves we’d do. How do we want to contribute in the world? How much time are we willing to invest building the structures of our own success?
The tarot card associated with this decan is the Two of Pentacles: the guy with a conical hat and amusing red tights. He’s balancing two pentacles, one foot up in the air, choppy waves behind him. In readings, this card often speaks to work-life balance, especially when one is re-entering work or taking on a new project. There’s a bit of juggling to achieve the homeostatic cruise control where time is spent more in presence and less on negotiating a viable schedule.
This certainly fits the vibe Saturn offers. As the ruler of this lunation, he sets the executive agenda. Having just squared Uranus for a second time, there’s a negotiation between structure and freedom, commitment and release. And then there’s Jupiter in Pisces, offering expansion—perhaps another pentacle—in a friendly and bountiful trine to the Sun in Cancer.
This lunation recognizes and confirms the full plate in front of us. It also knows we’re working to clean out toxic patterns around accomplishment that disempower us (Pluto wrapping up in Cap). Yet: we feel the drive. We understand the responsibilities we’ve signed up for. Most of all, we know there is much satisfaction in Right Work. So how to balance? We do our best, knowing that these questions are meant to be asked this year.
Image by Kay Sage, an American Surrealist artist and poet. She had her North Node in Capricorn with Sun conjunct the Midheaven in Cancer. She was active during the same time as Lonora Carrington, Remedios Varo and Leonor Fini. What a magical time in the art world that was!