Lunar Eclipse at 20° Cancer

Today’s Full Moon in Cancer stands like a David facing a Goliath of planets in Capricorn. We’re at the end of a story here, and consequently, the beginning of a new one. This eclipse story was seeded a year and a half ago when we had a New Moon at the same degree. Think back to 2018 and the developments that have unfolded since then. Eclipses accelerate change in our lives, leading us to turning points where we understand that things will be different now… they must be if we are to accept the invitation to evolve. We can stretch back further, to January 2001 when we experienced a Lunar Eclipse at 20 Cancer. Can you remember who you were back then and how the themes that played out during that time are reverberating in your life once again?

Those of us with planets or angles in the Cardinal signs between 17-24 degrees will feel the effects of this eclipse most strongly. Feelings may be more tender at this time as a wash of emotions seem to arise out of nowhere; or perhaps the insecurities we’ve been keeping in check now need an escape valve. The Cancer-Capricorn axis seeks to balance the tension between our need to feel safe and secure, nourished and nurtured, nested and loved (Cancer) with what Capricorn asks of us: commitment, stability, responsibility, practicalities and duty. For some of us, perhaps we’ve been working on the balance between Work/Home. For others: how we nourish ourselves and ask for what we need vs what we offer and commit to in relationship. Look at where this axis falls in your natal chart to understand where you’ve been asked to accelerate yourSelf.

Just before today’s eclipse, Mercury will conjunct the Sun going through his purification process and starting a new cycle. This is called Mercury Cazimi: Mercury is in the heart of the Sun. We’re being offered fresh insight and understanding and the opportunity to build something new. Then later in the day, Uranus—The Great Awakener—stations direct at 2° Taurus. Altogether, this feels like we’re being given our marching orders. We know what we need to do as we process the feelings and rise up to the wisdom and maturity Capricorn calls for, and get the show on the road.

Image @thenamdas