After nearly two months of plodding along in Earthy Taurus, Mars sprints into Gemini tomorrow (9:30pm Central Time), finally freeing him from the sign based square to Saturn. These two have been engaged in a tense holding pattern for nearly the past eight months when Mars entered Aries June 28, 2020. The momentum picks up speed now as the traffic jam clears and Mars returns to his regular speed unencumbered by Saturn’s roadblocks. In addition, with more planets moving from fixed to mutable/cardinal this month, we can look forward to emerging storylines and fresh starts.
Mars in Gemini is cerebral, good at wordplay, and can be high strung. More than any other placement, Mars in mutable air can disseminate their opponent with words. This is a strategic placement for journalists, those involved in social justice, lawyers, and anyone who uses language to defend, fortify and dissect. As Mars fences through Gemini, we’d be wise to watch our thoughts and ground our bodies as Mars can agitate mental processes making us feel like we’ve drunk five coffees too many. On the other hand, Mars in Gemini can give our communication a kind of candid precision, helping us nail the idea mightily on the head, especially now until March 14 when his host Mercury is in Aquarius.
Meanwhile, Venus—under the beams of the Sun and thereby hidden (or discreet)—forms an enchanting sextile to Uranus tomorrow. Venus is going through her renewal process in a sign she exalts in. In addition, she is hosting Uranus in Taurus. This lovely connection between the planet of love ‘n connection with the force of disruption, surprise and freedom might be concocting some behind-the-scenes magic not ready for prime time yet, especially with the Moon in private Scorpio. Thursday’s conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter in forward planning Aquarius may bring some welcome news our way.