May 5—Tomorrow the nodal axis will move backwards from Cancer-Capricorn into Gemini-Sagittarius where it will stay until January 2022. For the next 18 months—except for June’s Solar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse in July—the eclipses will ping-pong across the Gemini and Sagittarius parts of our charts. This means the spotlight turns from our Cancer/Capricorn houses onto the Gemini/Sag areas.
Eclipses usher turning points and tremendous opportunities for change. They’re the technology the Universe uses to prod us towards our own evolution. With the North Node moving into Gemini, perhaps we’ll be learning to ask the right questions about larger topics such as ethics, belief systems and what it means to be human.
An image that comes to mind with the Sag/Gemini axis is the one above: the monk Shariputra questions the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara, about the profound meaning of emptiness and the essence of reality. Their famous dialogue at Vulture Peak became the Heart Sutra. For me, Shariputra represents the North Node in Gemini. Perhaps this plays out as deeply probing into our fundamental rights (Sag) to suss out the particular foundational threads that we need to learn (Gemini) in creating a society that works and plays well with the planet. A few topics we could be dealing with in the next 18 months include food insecurity, universal basic income, and transhumanism. What would it look like to Vulture Peak these themes and question them through the lens of compassion and emptiness?
The Nodal cycle is 18.6 years. We can look back to 2001 and 2002 when the North Node was last in Gemini and the South Node was in Sagittarius to get an idea of similar themes we might revisit again. Look to the two houses these eclipses will occur in your chart and themes of approximately nineteen years ago to get an idea of where you might be ready for a redirect, breakthrough or both.
Image Art: Sariputra questions Avalokitesvara –