Today’s sugar and spice aspects may feel a bit like breakup sex: feelings of boundless goodwill and togetherness (Venus & Jupiter in Sag) followed by going through a shredder (Mars oppose Uranus).
As the moon nears the Sun, the Balsamic Moon phase signifies letting go, coming to a conclusion, and endings. As she separates from Mars Sunday morning, she carries courageous and possibly reckless energy to Mercury in Scorpio (truth serum) where soul-bearing conversation can take place. From now until Tuesday, she will make a trine to Neptune = surrender; dissolving into a new shape. Then a sextile to Saturn = adjusting boundaries and reality checks. Finally a sextile to Pluto: shedding skin; regeneration before starting her new cycle in hopeful Sagittarius on Tuesday morning.
There are so many ways this energy can play out. Essentially, early morning Venus and Jupiter offer big-hearted, feel-good, generous warmth as the orchestra cues up the next act of illuminating breakthroughs, shocking developments, and (un)welcome surprises (Mars oppose Uranus) as Venus gets ready to step into a more buttoned up version of herself in Capricorn. The storyline is informed by Luna’s trek along the Dark Moon Highway in Scorpio passing light from Mars, Merc, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto as she reaches her final destination: the Sun in Sagittarius where New Moon aspirations begin.
Illustration by Cristie Dunavan