piece of god
Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of God that is inside each of us.
~ Mary Oliver in Blue Horses
What are talismans?
Astrological Talismans are powerful transmitters of planetary energy. A Venus Talisman radiates and attracts venusian qualities. Faithfully committing to a practice with Venus cultivates love, beauty and inner peace.
- Attract love, sex and romance
- Radiate inner and outer beauty
- Increase artistic or musical skill
- Deepen friendships
- Promote a sense of belonging
- To reconcile after a falling out
- Cultivate inner and outer peace
- Nurture kindness and goodwill
- Radiate benevolence
- To be well liked
- Attract money & good fortune

Heav’nly, illustrious, laughter-loving queen,
Sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien;
Crafty, from whom necessity first came,
Producing, nightly, all-connecting dame:
Tis thine the world with harmony to join,
For all things spring from thee, O pow’r divine.
From the Orphic Hymn to Venus
Photo by John Rodenn Castillo on Unsplash
The image
The image of Venus I am using comes from Three Books of Occult Philosophy written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa:
“From the operations of Venus they made an Image, which was available for favor, and benevolence, at the very hour it ascending into Pisces, the form of which was the Image of a woman having the head of a bird, and feet of an Eagle, hold∣ing a dart in her hand. ~Book 2 Chapter 42. Of the Images of Venus
I’ve added a traditional Ukrainian vinok symbolizing purity. The roses symbolize love. You can read more about the Ukrainian inspiration here.
The bottom of her dress feature the two fish of Pisces. Inspired by Austin Coppock’s image of a labyrinth for the first decan of Pisces, I included a labyrinth on the top of her dress.
The back of the image carries the seals of Venus, her Intelligence Hagiel and spirit Kedemel.

A chalcedony stone sits in between the sigils on the back. Chalcedony is known for stimulating creativity, promoting benevolence and empathy, increasing self worth and confidence and attracting love
Since copper corresponds to Venus, the talisman is made from a bronze alloy which includes copper.

In this election using Whole Sign Houses, we have the Venus in a night chart in her exaltation in Pisces. She’s strongly placed conjunct the Ascendant. This highlights personal allure, romantic attraction, artistry, benevolence and inner peace. - FOMALHAUT
Venus is conjunct the powerful and fortunate Fixed Star Fomalhaut highlighting creativity and spirituality. - MOON
The waxing moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, also in the first house, which emphasizes good fortune and optimism. The fifth house Moon in its domicile of Cancer is well placed for creative endeavors as well as romance and pleasure. - 1ST & 2ND HOUSES
The main focus of the chart is the 1st House of Self, with Venus placed on the Ascendant and with the chart ruler, Jupiter, also located in the first. A second emphasis is the 2nd House of finances and resources as the Sun exalted in Aries and Mercury are both located here.

A Venus talisman is valued at $285 USD.
The talisman is accompanied by a 14 page digital booklet instructing you on how to consecrate and work with your talisman. I will email you the PDF once you’ve purchased a talisman.
- Talismans are shipped from San Diego, California (USA) priority mail and insured.
- A confirmation signature is required upon delivery.
- Shipping costs, including insurance, VAT and/or customs are not included in the price.
- Insured shipping within the US ranges between $8-$14. International shipping ranges from $30-$60.
- Allyship students receive a 25% discount. Please email me for the coupon.
- If you’ve purchased a talisman from me in the past, I’d like to offer you free shipping. Please email me for your free shipping coupon.
Currently the website cart is configured for US shipping addresses only. If you live outside the United States, please email juanita@juanitabenedicto.com with your shipping address so I can calculate your shipping costs. Thanks!

Once the talisman is mailed to you, it is yours to keep. You cannot return it for a refund.