Venus oppose Pluto (exact tomorrow) can manifest in a number of ways. But essentially it’s pitting Venus, our urge to mate and relate, connect and harmonize, against Pluto, the penetrating force of regeneration and transformation. In other words, this duo can take us to our ultimate depths so we can get clear on what’s real and begin to rebuild from that place.
This weekend’s Venus opposite Pluto may have some of us feeling obsessive (and even compulsive) about our relationships. And given the assembly line of planets that have recently come across the scrutiny of Saturn and Pluto, perhaps we’ll find ourselves seeking resolution once and for all by getting to the bottom of the issue. Mercury backing up into the heart of the Sun tomorrow morning may just be the moment we need to find clarity and understand where we stand once and for all.
Venus opposing Pluto has shown up in another way for me. My sweet dog, Yara (pictured)—a rescue pup I found on the streets of San Miguel 7 weeks ago—was spayed today. Her body literally underwent a Venus/Pluto opposition. Venus is also trining anesthetic Neptune as she’s recovering in her bed in a drug induced sleep. The thing about astrology is that 1) it works and 2) the symbolism can manifest in so many different kinds of scenarios. But when we use the core meanings of the archetypes, we can see just how powerful it is.