Whooping of Facebook

Facebook is getting whooped right now. Yesterday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi publicly castigated Facebook for enabling Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and for refusing to remove the viral video that was doctored to make her appear drunk. Also yesterday: Senator Elizabeth Warren erected a billboard to break up Big Tech, calling out Amazon, Google, and Facebook, so that they don’t have so much power. And then last night, the nonprofit Fight for the Future projected a huge “Fire Mark Zuckerberg” in Palo Alto.

People are getting fed up and are demanding accountability. We can see this in Facebook’s chart: May 18, 2012 at 11.30am in New York, New York. Saturn is making its first square to natal Saturn and we see tension and conflict that’s forcing accountability and responsible action. Pluto is also involved in this square to natal Saturn and we’re witnessing scrutiny and investigation of power: how much is too much? How are we holding executives accountable? It will be interesting to see what occurs in January 2020 with the exact conjunction of Saturn and Pluto square FB’s natal Saturn. I would suspect some sort of regulation and perhaps changing of the guard.


We can’t leave Uranus out. Shortly before Uranus dipped into Taurus last year, Zuckerberg testified before 44 senators, answering questions and addressing controversies over privacy. In September as Uranus retrograded over the chart’s Moon in 10th House Taurus, lawmakers grilled Sheryl Sandberg on what actions FB was taking to prevent Russian interference.

And now, Uranus is wedged between the Moon and the Midheaven, stirring up questions and protest. Uranus turns retrograde in August and will Station direct on the moon once again in January 2020, the same time FB’s Saturn receives a square from transiting Pluto and Saturn. As ruler of the 12th, the Uranus conjunction to the Moon might reveal things that been hidden from us (aided by this year’s eclipses which are ping ponging across the 6th and 12th). At the very least, the square from Saturn & Pluto could see a major change in the way FB conducts business. Fun times.

Art by @darioveruari