Astro Highlights of January 2022

Hello and Happy almost New Year! Let’s take a look at the astro highlights of January 2022.

  • January begins with Mercury entering the Water Bearer’s sign on the 2nd. Mercury will make it one-third of the way through Aquarius and within arm’s reach of Saturn before turning retrograde on the 14th.
  • Also on the 2nd, we have a New Moon at 12°20 Capricorn. Two weeks later, we’ll enjoy a Full Moon across Cap’s axis in Cancer at 27°50.
  • The day after the Cancer Full Moon, Uranus will station direct at 10°49 Taurus. Uranus has been retrograde since August 20th when it stationed at 14°47. It will take until the first week of May to reach that degree point again and begin charting new territory in Taurus.  If you have any personal planets or sensitive points in the fixed signs from 10°-15°, you have most likely been feeling this retrograde strongly, especially with Saturn’s presence in Aquarius.
  • Mars enters Capricorn on the 24th. One day later, Mercury moonglides into Capricorn from Aquarius making it a full house in Capricorn with Mars, Venus, Pluto and Mercury present in the Sea goat’s sign. Mercury will retrograde past Pluto on January 30th and station at 24° Capricorn on February 4th.
    Interestingly, Pluto also stationed direct on 24° Capricorn last October. And it was at 25° Cap where Pluto and Venus met on Christmas day. For those of us with sensitive cardinal points here, Mercury may be driving home the message we’ve been excavating and evolving into with more clarity now, allowing us to take action, especially with an exalted Mars getting ready to also activate this same area of the sky the end of February.
  • Venus stations direct on the 29th at 11°.
  • We end the month with a New Moon in Aquarius. Depending on your location, the New Moon will occur on the 31st or on the 1st.