“Every story is us." ― Rumi
asteroid goddesses
If you’re wondering which goddess is right for you, consider this:
Align with a goal. For instance, if you're striving for more focus in your life, Vesta symbolizes discipline and dedication.
- You might be drawn to one goddess more than the others. Follow your gut.
- Perhaps one of the asteroid goddesses plays a prominent role in your natal chart. I'm happy to suggest one for you based on your natal placements. Send me your birthday, time of birth and place of birth via my Contact page and I'll offer a suggestion.
For additional photographs of each design, please click on the asteroid goddess links below.

Queen of Heaven
Regaled as the Queen of the Gods, the Greeks knew her as Hera. Older myths align her as the Triple Moon Goddess representing the three stages of a woman’s life: Maiden, Mother and Sage.
In our charts, Juno represents the relating principle. She points to what we need in a committed relationship in order to be content.

Keeper of the Flame
Vesta is one of the oldest and most cherished goddesses. Hestia, her Greek name, means “hearth”, symbolic of that what brings us together, gives us focus and captures our attention.
In our charts, Vesta describes our commitment style and where we revitalize ourselves through work, devotion and even sacrifice.

Great Mother
The Greeks knew her as Demeter which comes from da mater or “earth mother.” Ceres was the important goddess of the harvest. Her story is one of loss and reunion and the cycles inherent in life.
In our charts, Ceres points to how we nourish others and need to be nourished ourselves. Ceres also speaks to self worth, to loss & recovery.

Warrior Queen
The cart is set up for addresses in the United States. If you’re outside the US and would like a pendant, email me your shipping address and I will let you know the cost and how to pay for one.