The New Moon in Scorpio finds some of us generating force in our yin power. Like the Knight of Swords reversed, there’s a stillness in this dark moment where the winds are gathering and the words are forming. It almost feels like a conjuring. Or maybe it’s more like when T.S. Eliot wrote: “Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought.”
Ace of Wands reversed appears when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck in our process. Like Mars squaring Saturn, responsibilities have piled up while frustration levels rise. This can be a one step forward, two steps back. Mars is our desire to act, to move forward and take bold action. Saturn can put up roadblocks and delays, testing our reserve. Saturn also symbolizes time. This challenging configuration at the new moon could indicate feeling pressured for time while we try and move forward with ambitious projects that are important to us. Mars is the ruler of this New Moon. With Mars in Libra, these frustrations and challenges arise in the arena of relationships.
The Sun opposes Uranus the day after the New Moon. Uranus likes to serve us breakthroughs and/or surprises that keep us moving towards our authentic selves. Just like the Three of Cups reversed, we may find our emotions turned upside down as we try to regain our balance from the disruption Uranus flings at us from the wings. Three of Cups Rx advises that we 1) remain flexible and 2) set up healthy boundaries in our emotional realms so that we can respond from a place of integrity.