Working with Venus and The Empress

I’ve been working with Venus. I petition her on her hours and her day, Friday. I’ve built an alter to her and repeat the same prayer when I address her. Afterwards, I meditate on a feeling tone that I imagine corresponds to her qualities.

In the Tarot, The Empress is ruled by Venus. I’m embodying this card in a new way. I’m beginning to understand the double sided coin of vulnerability and confidence through my work with Venus, and that it’s key to this card. The Empress nourishes and sustains life. She cultivates growth. But doesn’t the seed start out in a tender state… like parts of us, the parts that are unsure, that have been bullied or repressed or put down? We’ve hidden a part of ourselves; yet the flame of a dream has kept those vulnerable parts alive. The Empress is like Vesta in that she keeps that sacred flame alive. And when we’re ready, she gracefully blows on it, building it with us, until we have enough confidence to carry the torch of inspiration by ourselves.

When working with The Empress, allow your vulnerability to surface. Like Green Tara, The Empress is wholeheartedly compassionate and will hold space for the tears, the heartache, and the self doubt. You just have to be real, and begin building from that space. You are always supported.