Jupiter enters Aries, again

Photo by Mo Eid on Pexels

December 21—Jupiter re-entered the sign of Aries yesterday where he’ll be until he ingresses into Taurus on May 16, 2023. He activated this part of our charts last May through October, encouraging us to dream bigger, aim higher and shoot further. Now he’s back to finish what he started.

Jupiter in a Mars ruled sign is action oriented. We may not know where we’re going, but we’re enthusiastic to start! This take-charge energy has us beginning projects, switching lanes and Just Going For It with the kind of boldness that paves a way we didn’t know existed. Even though fear may pull at our coattails reminding us we don’t have a real plan, Jupiter in Aries reassures us that we can figure out the repercussions when he cools down in security-focused Taurus in May.  But for now: let’s bite off a piece of adventure and expand our horizons. As John Muir howled, “The mountains are calling and I must go.”

What mountain is calling in your life?  Let’s take a look at Jupiter in Aries throughout all the signs:

  • Aries Rising—Jupiter will transit your 1st House
    Get ready for a big year, Aries! As Jupiter transits the first house of self, your overall outlook to life lifts and brightens. You’re encouraged to envision big while paying attention to opportunities that will initiate a brand new 12-year cycle for you.  This is a year of building your sense of self and what you have to offer the world simply by being you. But watch those calories! Jupiter transiting the 1st can have us adding unwanted pounds.

  • Taurus Rising—Jupiter will transit your 12th House
    Looking into our own Pandora’s Box. What do we find there? What have we repressed that is now wanting to express in our conscious life? What has been hidden that comes to light now? This transit is great for retreat and solitary time. Warning: frenemies/enemies could emerge from the woodwork.

  • Gemini Rising—Jupiter will transit your 11th House
    A great time to put some muscle behind your hopes and aspirations. Jupiter will usher in opportunities that could take the form of helpful friendships or social networks that fill your sails with friendly winds. Be on the lookout for dreams coming true!

  • Cancer Rising—Jupiter will transit your 10th House
    Your role at work could expand during this time. Your reputation and social standing can make a bigger splash with Jupiter here. If you’re looking to advance in your career, take risks and find more meaning in how you contribute to the world, now’s the time to ride this Jupiter wave as it has the power to carry you far this year.

  • Leo Rising—Jupiter will transit your 9th House
    An excellent time to expand the edges of your mental and physical frontiers. This could look like going back to school, focusing on spiritual growth, learning astrology or embarking on international travel. The 9th House is associated with all things that grow our minds and our tangible world. Jupiter encourages you to take the plunge and swim wide!

  • Virgo Rising—Jupiter will transit your 8th House
    Jupiter can lend a helping hand in taxes, loans and debt. However, take care not to take on more financial promises you can realistically handle sinking you into greater debt. Opportunity can arise through receiving an inheritance or a windfall you didn’t work for. Your significant other might experience a nice bump in their finances which then affects you.

  • Libra Rising—Jupiter will transit your 7th House
    Significant relationships bloom. Jupiter transiting the 7th can bring in an important person—romantic or not—who you can grow with. If you’re already in a relationship, Jupiter offers optimism and expansion, taking you further down the path together.

  • Scorpio Rising—Jupiter will transit your 6th House
    Be proactive with your health now. Schedules can get overly packed exasperating underlying health issues. Time management is important. On the bright side: relationships with people that work for you and/or colleagues turn sweeter thanks to Jupiter’s benevolent presence. It’s also possible to adopt a fur baby during this transit or pay more attention to pets.

  • Sagittarius Rising—Jupiter will transit your 5th House
    Jupiter brings Sag Risings growth opportunities around romance, children, or following their passions. Single Sagittarius: if you’re looking for love, the first half of 2023 is the time to do something about it! For some, the topic of children will take on more importance. And with Jupiter in the 5th, it’s your time to shine! Follow what you love and you’ll be rewarded.

  • Capricorn Rising—Jupiter will transit your 4th House
    Are you thinking about expanding your home, Cap? Now until mid-May could see you bringing home a baby, another relative, or making room for an elderly parent to come live with you. You might entertain moving into a bigger house or building a structural add-on to your home.

  • Aquarius Rising—Jupiter will transit your 3rd House
    Development and opportunity around siblings can present themselves now. The Moon has her joy here so increasing knowledge around pagan wisdom traditions can happen when Jupiter transits the 3rd. You might find that you’re commuting more and making small trips as well.

  • Pisces Rising—Jupiter will transit your 2nd House
    Jupiter transiting the 2nd often brings new income streams, a raise, or a big boost to our self worth. If you’re long overdue a raise, Pisces, ask for it when Jupiter is in your money house! Remember, the opportunity is there, but we have to activate it. A warning: be careful not to overspend as Jupiter can have us feeling more generous towards ourselves and others than we normally are. 

If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.—Tom Peters

As the greater benefic, Jupiter can bless us with good fortune, meaning, abundance, wisdom, growth and optimism in our Aries house. But there’s no guarantee; we have to make an effort and work with the opportunity given! What’s special about this ingress is the connection Jupiter forms to the New Moon in Capricorn on Friday. With the Sun, Moon and Jupiter connecting at the start of Cardinal signs, this is a powerful surge of energy to courageously step into our dreams and begin to build them out in our waking life.