We’re halfway through the year and Mars is changing signs! Mars leaving Cancer and entering Leo today is like a triathlete who is a poor swimmer but a great biker. After facing off some serious opposition in the water with a strapping Saturn and powerful Pluto, now on dry land in Leo, Mars is stronger and will pick up speed.
Mars (how we go for what we want) collides with a stationing Mercury (how we express ourselves and the way we think) on the 8th, and the two of them will square off with unpredictable and high voltage Uranus. Will it be road rage? over-reacting? hot-headed shenanigans? accidents (because Mercury is texting someone) throwing down an ultimatum or bullying? You decide to engage this energy and how it manifests; but be careful because these three together in this configuration can create regrettable outcomes.
On the 22nd, the Ruler of Leo—the Sun—enters his own sign. The leonine terrain becomes even more hospitable to Mars because the Sun has resources for his guests in his home sign. With Pluto and Saturn tucked away in Capricorn, it’s easy cruising for Mars… people are cheering him on from the sidelines… there are more support tables on this stretch… someone throws him a rose which he catches in between his teeth.
Eventually he trines a friendly Jupiter in Sag later in the month making the 25th an extra special day to take a risk or cannon shoot your way into life affirming adventure. Finally, at the end of the month, the Leo stretch is packed with many others: there’s the New Moon (31st), Venus, the Sun, and Mars in the lead. Mercury will turn direct this day and with the New Moon conjunct Venus in uplighting Leo, the cosmic weather is laying down a jubilant and hopeful carpet for August to enter in on.
Art by Yuji Yamada