One of the ways the Cosmos gets our attention is with eclipses. Today, the New Moon in Cancer eclipses the Sun in Cancer causing a Solar Eclipse. Think of this as a New Moon on steroids. As with all New Moons, our lives might be opening to new beginnings and breakthroughs; but with an eclipse, these beginnings can be quite startling and unexpected in their nature.
This eclipse is actually part of a story that began last year in July when we experienced the first Solar Eclipse in Cancer followed by another Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5. It’s as though our fairy godmother has whipped out her Sharpie and highlighted the Cancer-Capricorn axis in our charts, signaling the 2 years of course work we signed up for at this stage in our life. We’re learning how to surrender and let go of our outgrown structures and ambitious scaffolds so that we have room to grow towards our evolutionary impulse in Cancer which asks that we focus on providing care, tending to family, examining ancestral patterns, and simply enjoying our loved ones. With Saturn on the South Node, we may be dealing with obstacles and/or responsibilities that we didn’t sign up for or understand when we took them on. If you know where Cancer + Capricorn fall in your chart, you can identify what area in your life the eclipses are activating. Additionally, think back to July of 2011 and July 2000 when the eclipses were at 9 & 10 Cancer. You may be learning a new version of a past lesson.
This theme will continue across the C-C axis for another year which is when the nodes move into Gemini and Sagittarius and we’ll have a new course of study to master. But for now, for today, we have a Solar Eclipse at 10° Cancer. If you have any planets or angles between 9, 10, 11, or 12 of the Cardinal Signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries), buckle up and get ready for a ride. And remember, if we stay true to ourselves and align with our evolutionary impulse, all things conspire for our greatest good, even though it may not seem that way at the time.
Art by @bethhoeckel