Mercury enters Scorpio: A two month tour through the underworld

Mercury takes us through the underworld for the next two months. This is the territory of guilt, shame, hidden complexes, resentment, repressed rage, and thorny bitterness. Here we find the pieces of ourselves we tourniquet in our attempt to put on a happy face and lead productive and healthy lives. But the shadow is powerful, influencing us from behind the curtain. As Carl Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Mercury enters Scorpio the same day Pluto turns direct. I like to look at Pluto Retrograde as tiling the soil to reveal we’re we’ve buried our power. Where have we siphoned our energy to keep these tourniquets in place? Now as Pluto stations direct, evolutionary forces direct us to work with The Messenger (Mercury) in this primal, Scorpionic territory. We are offered the opportunity through conscious awareness to resurrect the decayed and rotten so we can deliberately compost the parts of us we earnestly want to sever from the plot. This might be festering resentments, private suffering, repressed rage from childhood, and crippling betrayals: it’s all here until we decide to actively transform it.

Mercury will turn retrograde on October 31st and eventually leave Scorpio on December 10th. This gives us the opportunity to work with him for two months on shadow work, composting, and transforming to free the energy that’s been carefully holding our complexes in place. Use this time wisely. ❤︎

Image by Konsta Punkka @​kpunkka