New Moon at 23° Pisces 03′

The Core by Jetter Green
The Core by Jetter Green

The New Moon sows seeds of enchantment at 23° Pisces. This is the most mystical and magical lunation we’ve received in a long time. Conjunct Neptune at 20° and Venus at 19°, might this be a promise of hope, healing and unity? Fertilized in the mutable waters of Pisces, we’re in a season of change. Anything could happen.

Neptune’s presence here is important. We often find Neptune associated with illusion, deception, nebulous anxiety and lethargy. Perhaps it is. But Neptune is like the elephant being touched by a dozen blind men: they all understand it to be a different creature depending on where their hand meets the animal. My touches with Neptune have convinced me that Neptune serves as a matrix code hacker.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Paleontologist, Jesuit Priest and visionary Pierre Teilhard De Chardin had Neptune, Venus and the Sun conjunct in his natal chart. Credited as a forefather of the Internet, he believed human evolution was based on an interconnected sphere of consciousness driven by the force of love. He envisioned a world where this global “sphere of reason”—the noosphere—would leapfrog us into the next stage of humanity. He wrote: “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” Here’s another one: “Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come into being.” Can you hear his Neptune-Venus conjunction speaking? These statements reflect the idea of reaching a tipping point where humanity is united in consciousness, breaking through the barrier of separateness into a unified whole: a world wide web of empathetic connection where bionic potentials exist. Unity, dissolution of barriers and transcendence is all Neptune-talk.

Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart who writes on consciousness, physics and alternative healing modalities has a Neptune trine Venus in her chart. She studies the mechanics of collective focused intention in relation to illness, cleaning water, lowering violence and more.  

She’s curious about the quantifiable effects of entrained energy such as prayer across distance. In her experiments, she has demonstrated that virtual entanglement is real. There is a psychic internet where the yoked power of We concentrating efforts on a subject affects powerful change. Collective intention is The Force that can shape the world into a Xanadu. Similar to Teilhard de Chadin, McTaggart’s ideas of an interconnected intelligent universe expresses her Neptune.

The ruler of this Pisces New Moon, Jupiter, is at the very end of the 2nd decan of Aquarius. The tarot card associated with this decan is the Six of Swords. In the Rider Waite Smith version, we see a ferryman shepherding a hooded woman and a child in a little boat. They’ve left troubled waters and are headed towards a restorative shore. When this card appears, we’re leaving uncertainty, conflict and mental destabilization and have committed to Moving On.

Further, the Sun and Moon meet at the third decan of Pisces. The tarot card associated here is the 10 of Cups, a dreams-come-true card, replete with a happily-ever-after rainbow. I’d like to believe we’re moving from a time of choppy waters into a realization of what really matters here. In my highest of hopes, this New Moon heralds the awakening of a shared consciousness united in a frequency of love, paving the way for a brighter evolution.