No Ordinary Love: Venus enters Aquarius

This. Is. No. Ordinary Love, chants Venus as she glides into Aquarius at 12:42 AM (Central) on 12/20. Sade, with her Venus in Aquarius, demonstrates the sentiment in her portrayal of a mermaid who falls in love with a sailor. In the video, we see her constructing a highly unusual yet brilliant wedding dress that 1) fits the Aquarian Venus aesthetic and 2) could only be worn by Sade as she runs through the streets pouring salt water over herself, her human legs and the dress.

Venus is how we relate and connect as well as our beauty style. When we meet someone for the first time that we’d like to impress, it’s our Venus that’s in the driver’s seat. Like all air signs, Venus in Aquarius connects through communication. Whereas Gemini and Libra aim to communicate in order to relate on a social level, Aquarius is more interested in the ideas themselves. This Venus shows up on a first date ready to talk about cryptocurrency, debate over 3D porn, and philosophize about what really went down in Atlantis.

Oprah Winfrey has her Venus in Aquarius (as well as her Sun and Mercury) and we see her gift to bridge differences and connect people by disseminating ideas through her platforms, always pushing an evolutionary agenda which is what progressive Aquarius is good at. Yoko Ono—another Venus in Aquarius—catalyzed societal growth in the songs she wrote with John Lennon and their Bed-Ins for Peace, nonviolently protesting war.

Venus in Aquarius values her independence and freedom. She enjoys being self-sufficient and requires personal space and sovereignty like we see in Oprah Winfrey’s partnership with Steadman, a relationship that has lasted over three decades. Despite the pressure to marry, Oprah never did as she admits that she’s not the marrying type and that their relationship would not have survived a marriage. Venus in Aquarius bucks the trends not only in style but in love. Whether it’s a eccentric Japanese artist marrying a Beatle or a mermaid falling in love with a sailor, Venus in Aquarius is extraordinary.