Sun talisman in process

These silver pieces were forged during a powerful Sun election when the Sun was in his exaltation (Aries). The Sun’s image (pictured) will be molded in gold in a subsequent Sun election when the Sun is in Leo. In the meantime, I charge them every Sunday morning during the Sun’s hour with ritual and intention.

Why do we work with the Sun? We can petition the Sun for confidence, creativity, success, recognition, vitality, favors, and fame. The ritual consists of creating a Sun altar, lighting the appropriate incense and reciting magical words. There’s a perceptible shift during this time. For instance, I get really warm and am filled with a golden light that feels like immense gratitude. Additionally, this practice is cultivating solar qualities within myself.

The end of July, these prayed over magical pieces filled with solar intentions will be molded into magical talismans. A Sun talisman acts like a tiny transmitter of solar qualities. The wearer attracts and exudes confidence, creativity, success, recognition, vitality, favors, and fame.  I will be making one for myself and three more to sell.