Virgo Season: Goal oriented with a touch of magic

My mother grew up on a farm in Argentina alongside 14 siblings, pigs, cows, chicken, horses, bees, sheep, skinny dogs and dozens of crops they grew, including the Yerba Mate trees which were harvested once a year. It was grueling work harvesting yerba mate. An all night job – timing was everything. The entire family participated, even the little ones.

One year, a catastrophic storm came through and lightening struck the two pails my Aunt Juana was carrying, hurling her across the barn and scorching the bottom of the pails. But they continued, through the storm, because it was harvest time. When little hands and big hands became very tired, my uncle Jose would bring out the accordion and play… animo! Then, the strangest thing would happen: the frogs would come out from the wood and high grass and gather near my uncle, a small choir of soft wet heads with bulging eyes enchanted by the hopeful and tired lungs of the accordion.

This story reminds me of Virgo season. Goal oriented. A Just Do It attitude. Yet, as a mutable sign, there’s the flexibility to know when to sit back and catch the magic that perceptible Virgo is always on the watch for. Welcome Sun in Virgo.

Photo by @followmeaway